
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

"Found Time"

Why is unexpected free-time so fulfilling? As we headed home from preschool, my goddess of a Mother-in-law (more about Ellen another day) called to see if the kids could come for a visit. Before her call, I was preoccupied with errands we should run, potential play dates, pondering activities and chores around the house, and lamenting the nasty weather.  Her call was like a ray of sunshine, providing a couple hours of kid-free time when I could really use it (a little mommy-shopping-time with no kids in my dressing room).
This happened with a friend earlier in the week too. She left her kids here while she went to the doctor then stayed for a bit afterward while I ran some errands. It was only an hour and all I did was go to the store, but that “found time” felt decadent and wonderful.
Even when I plan ahead for something great, I find myself fretting about leaving (Will the kids be sad? Will my husband be annoyed? What other things can I do while I’m out? etc.) then rushing to get home. I suppose the spontaneity of these moments is what makes them special.  What’s next, spontaneous yoga, massages, and pedicures? I think I’m onto something…

1 comment:

  1. I can SO relate to getting anxious about "planned" free time. That few extra minutes you weren't expecting is so nice.
