
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Farm Follow Up

Wondering what we did with all those amazing strawberries?

Most of them were used for filling crepes (William's favorite)
The prettiest berries were a picture perfect topping for Daddy's vegan & wheat-free birthday cupcakes
(Happy Birthday, Rob!)
Sharing the farm bounty was extra fun this week. Daddy kept the kids busy all day while I got to spend time with friends. Four out of six members of my beloved Women’s Group gathered to paste photos dating back to 2002 onto scrapbook pages. None of us are accomplished scrapbookers but it was amazing how fun it was and much we got done with our combined artistic talents, yummy snacks, and a bottle of wine (Green Fin's white table wine made from organic grapes is light, pear-y, and soooo good plus it is only $3.99 at Trader Joe's). Time with my dear friends did a world of good for my soul... more another day about our "WG," still going strong after 11+ years!

Lovely long little radishes, romanesco broccoli, and sweet baby white turnips with vegan dip
(Mori Nu silken tofu + garlic + parsley + lemon juice & zest + a dash of vinegar and salt = YUM!!!)

My cashew-almond variation of Heidi Swanson's Big Sur Power Bars didn't
contain anything from the farm BUT they are a wonderful protien-packed treat
and I really wanted to share her recipe and recommend her new book
"Super Natural Cooking Every Day" -- LOVE IT!

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