
Monday, July 25, 2011

A (Mostly) Grownup Party

How I wish I captured more photos to share the beauty of the gathering we hosted this weekend.  Five of my nearest and dearest friends (my “Women’s Group” or WG for short) invited their families to come celebrate our group and all the love and support we’ve given one another over for more than a decade.

There was an incredible vegan, mostly wheat-free feast of hearty healthy salads, burgers and “sausages,” grilled corn on the cob, and desserts to die for. I guess that pretty much explains why only a few photos were taken…  I was too “busy” eating, socializing and having fun!
Peggy, Stephanie, Bonnie, Erika, me, and Pam
Our Women’s Group is comprised of 6 women between the ages 40 and 60 and we came together 14 years ago to create an "intentional community." In the mad rush of today's world, we all found ourselves yearning for a place where we could slow down, relax, connect, and find meaning and support outside of our jobs and immediate families. For nearly 15 years, we have met twice a month over a shared meal in a structured format to celebrate, share, grieve, eat great food, talk, laugh until it hurts, weep until it feels better, and simply be. We’ve seen each other through so many important milestones and transitions:  new jobs, lay-offs, moves, marriages, divorces, births and deaths, children and grandchildren, the adoption and sad passages of beloved pets, and all those little moments in-between that ultimately matter so much. Stephanie, Bonnie, Peggy, Pam and Erika have become my extended family and I am so grateful for their unique perspectives in this sacred circle.

It brought such joy to look across our patio to see Stephanie's mom and Pam's mom chatting and laughing. And what fun to watch my son run around the yard like a wild man with Stephanie's three nephews while my girl quietly enjoyed the company of Erika's darling daughter.

A blurry bye-bye from Erika's adorable daughter and my sweet Sara (look, matching waves)! I can only hope that they grow up to have friendships as deep and fulfilling as I have been blessed to find.
Is she a super little cutie-pie or what?!
Friendships can come and go throughout life, but we are deeply committed to one another and to the concept of community and what this community brings to our lives, and our group has certainly stood the test of time. There's no doubt that we'll grow old together, watching life unfold its mysteries.

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