
Saturday, September 24, 2011

School for Sara

The highlight of our busy week was Sara starting her new preschool class!

She thoughtfully chose Hello Kitty socks with crocs sandals, a denim dress she had never worn before, and special hair bow to complete her look on the first day of school. Her sassy pink hair bow didn't last (she never lets me put clips or anything in those lovely curly locks) but it was fun while it lasted

Look at these wild, wonderful, happy girls! Sara is in good company with this bunch
There is a great little playground with slides, swings, bikes, wagons, a teeter totter, sandbox, climbing wall and monkey bars
"I love my teacher, Momma," Sara told me after that first day when I had stayed with her the whole time. Moms, Dads, and Nannies all stayed with the kids that first day but this is a co-op preschool so I'll only stay in the classroom when I'm scheduled to help out.

By the next class day she was hesitant about being dropped off. "You stay with me, Mom?" she kept asking. I knew she was nervous so I answered "I will stay until you say it's OK for me to go." We went back and forth like this for quite a while, "I want you stay with me all day, Mom," she kept insisting, "I will stay as long as you need me to but when you say it's alright to go, I'll go." Sara was convinced that she would not give me the green light to go off and leave her there.

When we arrived, she joined right in the singing and dancing when but I hung around to see how she felt after starting circle time (plus I don't believe in "sneaking" off even if they do seem happy). Anyhow, after circle time, it took less than 2 minutes for her to tell me "yeah, it's OK you go do boring stuff, Mom. I stay here."  YES!

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