
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Halloween, Out

The “welcome skeleton,” plastic pumpkin buckets, and cute little ghoul ornaments are back in their storage boxes. Gone are the glo-sticks, vampire fangs, and spider rings. Three pumpkins remain un-carved but we’re off the hook, they’re merely elegant Thanksgiving decorations now.

I’m actually relieved it’s over. Chasing the kids while trick-or-treating with a mob of neighborhood friends pushed me over the edge, but I can’t let the holiday pass without posting a few memorable moments.
Some of our dear friends threw a wonderful party -- love how the kids are cracking up together here

Who says only pumpkins are for carving? Check out our 'alien tonsils'

Halloween was a day of much costume deliberation at our house -- then ultimately a costume flashback. Sara decided to get cozy in the costume from her first Halloween while Firefighter William did a re-run of last year.

His fluorescent stripes weren't great for pictures but they were the only thing keeping him in my sight on Halloween night (and the only thing keeping me from become extremely anxious) Phew!

I didn't think it was possible but she looks even cuter in this costume this year...
I take it back... look at that little cutie! Ah memories, back in the day when they were super excited to stay home and answer the door and hand out candy to trick-or-treaters

Goodnight Halloween

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