
Friday, April 22, 2011

An Earthy Earth Day

Sara and I tagged along with William’s preschool for a nature hike and more fun in the mud.  Teacher Judy and Teacher Nancy are remarkable, reminding the kids to stop, look, listen, and smell along the way (especially near the skunk cabbage). They even had us jump up and down on the springy path so the kids could see the leaves shimmer while our movements shook the earth. We encountered baby bunnies, ducks and countless slugs during the walk and the songbirds provided a lovely soundtrack.

Later, inspired by one of my favorite bloggers, we decided to make our own dyes for decorating Easter Eggs. The kids were really into it and wanted to add all kinds of things…pepper, lettuce, various toys, you name it. After a lively discussion and refrigerator-searching, we decided on onion skins, beets, huckleberries, and kale. The result was a slightly funky-smelling house (the kale was a day or two past its prime) and rather pleasing to the eye pastel-colored eggs if I do say so myself.  I have to admit that I cheated a little and put a few drops of food coloring into the yellow and the green because I don’t think we started with enough material to make very intense colors.

Happy Earth Day, everyone and Happy Easter!

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