
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Playdate: Kelsey Creek Park

"Hello, sun in my face. Hello you who made the morning and spread it over the fields... Watch, now, how I start the day in happiness, in kindness."
Mary Oliver

Blue sky and sunshine awaited us at Kelsey Creek Farm Park this morning! The air was frigid but we were all smiles heading up to the barns to meet Farmer Jayne. She runs a fantastic little “farm kids” program that gives kids a behind-the-scenes look at how the farm animals are cared for at the park and a good friend arranged a group tour for us (thank you, Sasha!). We fed the pigs (pellets for the babies and pumpkin for the 600+ pound big girl), petted LucyBelle the growing calf and one of the goats (can’t remember if it was Bert or Ernie but the names made quite an impression on the kids). Then the kids got to touch a baby chick and pet a velvety black bunny. The grand finale was planting pumpkin seeds and with any luck (plus sunshine, warmth, and water) we’ll go back to watch them grow all summer long then see them harvested in the fall.

Knowing what a soaking wet spring it has been so far, we were prepared for mud with our weatherproof boots. Sara insisted on shorts despite the 40-something degree temperature (this is a battle I no longer engage in, rather I bring extra clothes just in case), but my little man buckled up his overalls in true farm fashion. The tour only lasted about 30 minutes but that was perfect for the attention span of our group of 2-5 year olds. Most of us stuck around afterward for a picnic and playtime at the playground and oh my... here is where the real fun began.

One word: MUD!

I consider myself very lucky to have friends who revel in this kind of activity for their children as much as I do.

This moment was a lovely reminder of what a good teacher my little girl is. Turns out, shorts were perfect for her today... and so was the extra change of clothes. We wandered out of the park feeling satisfied, tired, and happy with the sunshine on our backs. Now, one bath, one load of laundry, many bike rides and one rainstorm later, I am one happy Momma.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Liz,
    I'm working with Visit Bellevue ( to publish the Bellevue Visitor's Guide for 2012, and we're interested in using your to accompany an article featuring various family oriented activities/destinations in the Bellevue area.

    We're a little pressed for time with the holidays coming up -If you're interested or have questions, please feel free to get in touch by December 20th. You can reach me directly at

    Thank you,

    Christina Rascon
    Graphic Designer
    SagaCity Media, Inc.

    1201 Western Ave, Suite 425
    Seattle, Washington 98101
    T: 206.957.2234 x126
    F: 206.447.3388
