
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hello and Welcome!

Every day I’m struck by the awesomeness of what it means to be a parent.  The fun, the responsibility, and the opportunities are truly amazing.  My daughter, Sara, is 3 and son, William, almost 5 now and I’ve never had a more satisfying “job.”  What are my credentials?  I was raised by an incredibly creative and playful mother, I’ve been actively involved in cooperative preschools over the past several years, I’m a published travel writer, and I was the general manager, marketing & HR director of a growing business for over 16 years.  I’m no expert and don’t ever want to come across as self-righteous -- I’m simply a full-time mom who wants to raise compassionate, intelligent, active children in a world that doesn’t always seem so compassionate, intelligent, or active.
As you might suspect, our days are filled with typical household activities (keeping up with clutter, cooking and eating meals, mountains of laundry, grocery shopping galore, transporting kids everywhere they need to go, and general child-wrangling) but as much as possible, I try to incorporate more meaningful moments into our days.  Sometimes it is a craft or project, sometimes a little field trip, and sometimes just a conversation but my goal every day is to remember what an enormous gift it is to be home raising these two precious people.
Sure, my best intentions can end up being a mess, both literally and emotionally, but that’s life and I believe that if we cannot laugh in the face of adversity or make the best out of rough situations then parenthood is going to be an especially long haul.
Thanks to encouragement from my friends, family, and other bloggers, I started this blog to add my voice to the mix and see where it goes.  I hope you’ll visit for inspiration, ideas, community, and a little entertainment along the way; please, add your comments and ideas and join the conversation!

1 comment:

  1. So nice to find you here Liz! I look forward to stopping back soon!
