
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Advent Adventures: Face Painting

Silliness runs in our family, primarily on my side. I'm afraid mess-making is another thing we’re known for. In honor of Cuckoo Grandma’s (my Mom’s) pre-holiday surprise visit, we pulled out all the stops. 

William became a superhero: fire and lightning man, to be specific. Sara became a blue kitty. Then Cuckoo Grandma wanted to join the fun as a clown. She is such a good sport.

Like so many of our activities, face painting started out tame…until it wasn’t any more. Itching to get their hands on makeup sponges and brushes with the face paint, the kids talked me into letting them “just paint something small on my cheek.” 
Um, William? I'm pretty sure that's not my cheek

Nice! I'm all set for my audition for Braveheart 2

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