
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Solstice Snowflakes

A serious chill is in the air but our first days of winter have been bathed in sunshine. Dressing up, marching with drums and flutes, singing and dancing, running around naked, and general merry-making seem to be a part of most of our days so we’re right on track with pagan rituals but I hoped to come up with something meaningful for Solstice.

Keeping it simple, we honored the shortest day of the year with a candlelit breakfast, making paper snowflakes (without the lit candles on the table, by the way) and we spent a lot of time talking about the earth’s relationship to the sun. Next year we may have dinner (or at least dessert) by candlelight too but the kids were wiped out after a day of fun with Cuckoo Grandma and friends. I had the pleasure of ending the day with a Yoga class taught by one of my favorite teachers which felt like a beautiful way to welcome the light's return.

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